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Inclusive Dairy Innovation

Inclusive Dairy Innovation

At the University of MN Precision Dairy Conference last week I was honored to kick off with a presentation on Sustainability and Technology. 

The next two speakers were amazing guys: Dennis Haubenschild, a farmer-innovator from WI (runs his truck with gas from his manure digester!) and Mike Jerred who has been with industry leader Cargill Animal Nutrition & Health for 20+ years. 

We formed a lively panel on Sustainable Dairy Farming.

Average age: Wisdom +

In a master stroke, the conference ended with five PhD students presenting their research in Dairy Technology fields like Computer Vision and Data Intelligence (including the Dairy Brain Project from UW Madison). 

The students were amazing and their contributions to Dairy have already begun. Most of them, like myself, didn’t grow up on dairy farms.

Breanna Bone
Yijing Gong
Ariana Negreiro
Abbi Prins
Drew Swartz

Average Age: Brilliance +

The future is bright for an industry that’s accelerating technology and attracting talent from across the Wisdom-Brilliance continuum.

Well done Marcia Endres and University of MN!

 #sustainabilitytransformation #computervision #dairy #innovation

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